Farland Group

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January, Where Did You Go?

I once considered January to be a sort of “regroup” month. I had some extra time to dig out from emails that I received during the holidays, look ahead to what was on the horizon for the coming weeks and plan accordingly. That was then and those were different, pre-pandemic times.

Today, with COVID still our reality, customer advisory board meetings have been virtual for a year. The ‘norm’ now entails participants logging into board sessions within minutes — no planes, hotels, etc. With the logistics minimized, the number of meetings that can happen in a year has grown exponentially.This begs the question — when did the month of January become ready, set, go!? What was once a sort of “calm before the storm” month where I would get all of my ducks in a neatly-lined row seems to be a thing of the past.

January 2021 took off with lightning speed. In our work at Farland Group, we’ve been gearing up for more meetings in the beginning of this year than in the history of the company. But that says something — clients find a lot of value in these sessions, and maybe it's because the format has adapted to one that engages them where they are. Why wait five months into the year to conduct a customer advisory board meeting when you can hold a virtual one to kick off the year?

January may be over (and boy was it a fast month!) but there are still 11 months left in the year for you to have your own customer advisory board meeting. What are you waiting for?