Erin Rodat-Savla


Erin has more than 20 years experience in marketing, executive programs, and communications, with a particular focus on b2b technology and service organizations. With a background in writing and graphic design, Erin began as a marketing communication professional, working in higher education and professional services. Then, after 8 years at ICEX, Inc., running peer forums and the associated editorial for F500 technology executives, Erin branched out on her own—taking on a variety of projects at the intersection of marketing insight, content, and community. Erin's client work has included IBM, Broadridge, JDA and Brown Brothers Harriman.

For Fun
Erin considers herself a magpie maker, enjoying craft and creative projects of all sorts. She is a constant reader, and spends countless hours chasing around her young family.

Erin holds a BA in literature and rhetoric from Binghamton University, and an MS in information systems and MBA, both from Boston University.