C-Suite Engagement—It’s About Progress, Not Perfection

“Progress, not perfection.” This is a line I hear constantly from fitness types – but increasingly I think it applies to our work at Farland Group as well. We are planners. Our work requires it. Our clients depend on our plans and processes to get them to a Customer Advisory Board meeting without a lot of surprises.  And, it turns out, most executives don't like to be surprised...

Of course, our goal is to bring forward a perfect meeting, one that yields dynamic dialogue, interactive executive engagement, and meaningful advice. A session that will result in a range of outcomes from incremental improvements to the development of new business lines. Progress is our collective focus – of agendas, discussions, relationships, outcomes, and even pipelines when appropriate. In the end, a mindset of progress will shape a much more satisfied client. What are you working toward?


Keep the Recruiting Rolling


What Does Your Hybrid Customer Advisory Board Meeting Look Like?