Farland Group

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It’s All About the Follow Through…

I was inspired by Seth Godin recently when he blogged about follow through and its importance in golf, tennis and baseball. It is also critically important in marketing, and selling and servicing clients. In fact, without follow through there is no pipeline progression, or deal closing. Yet, we rarely plan in marketing with the end in our sights.The follow through isn’t the actual goal in tennis or golf, but without it, all of the preparation for that shot is for not. This is also the case in convening clients at an event without a plan for how to reconnect with them after the meeting is over. Too often, marketers get so enamored with the creation and production of the event that we forget the most important part – the part that guarantees that the ball will likely go over the net or in the hole – the follow through.As you set forth in planning for 2018 meetings, events and programs, create a workstream and a team devoted to follow through and outcomes, because without that – what’s the point? Sure, follow through isn’t the goal, but without it you won’t have a shot.