Farland Group

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Your Client Networks Matter More than Ever

Today, personal networks matter more than ever as people search for ways to stay connected. The same is true for your customer networks. This moment in our world is not the time to ease off the gas when it comes to engagement.

Our recent qualitative interviews for several upcoming Customer Advisory Boards indicate that C-level executives are looking for peer groups to bounce their experiences off of and engage in sharing how they plan to move forward in the uncharted waters post COVID-19. Our work with clients is elevated to rapid iteration, virtual advisory sessions that bring them feedback quickly in shorter, more frequent bursts. The virtual advisory sessions have also allowed some of our newer clients to scale their Boards or client networks, so that we are touching a larger C-suite group and gaining their input through our qualitative research.

As you consider your Customer Advisory Board work, think about ways to improve the scale and speed of the work. Your customers gain a network of peers with whom they can test pertinent and timely questions including:

  • How are you driving your transformation agenda with limited funding available?

  • What does ‘back to work’ look like and how are you keeping employees safe?

  • What are you investing in that you weren’t considering a year ago?

These discussions provide insight into the pressures your customers face and brings a halo brand effect to you for convening a peer network of leaders. Now is the time to fire up your customer network. Similar to our personal lives, community matters more than ever.