Advice & Insight
Reflections on customer advisory boards, customer relationships, and what it takes to strengthen them both.
Looking for a complete primer on advisory boards? Read The Expert Guide to Powerful Customer Advisory Boards.
Time to Slow Down…
I recently wrote an article on how the millennial generation (my generation) devours new technologies and is focused on getting tasks accomplished in a fast, agile way.
Retail Therapy: 3 Secrets Behind Thriving Brick-and-Mortars [Article]
[AS SEEN IN TOTAL RETAIL] Three common traits shared by successful retailers navigating omnichannel experiences
What Do Your Hobby and Day Job Have in Common?
I’ve never thought about comparing my hobby to my day job, but that’s because I’ve never taken the time to think about how the two could be similar. In How Your Hobbies Can Make You a Better CEO, Derek Schoettle, GM, Watson Data Platform, IBM, points out how a person’s hobby directly relates to their job, and the lessons you can apply to both.
B2B Influencer Relations in the Age of Transparency [Article]
Influencer relations and strategic inner circles have been around for some time, but the digital era has certainly contributed to their evolution.
Cultivating Disruption Without Being Disrupted [Article]
Disruptors — no matter who they are — may not be the people you look to for motivation. But, more companies are encouraging the role of “disruptor” over being “disrupted” within their organizations. Jane Hiscock, President, Farland Group, understands this balance can be difficult, and explains how you can embrace disruption without compromising your business.
Learn the strongest boards’ five characteristics—and the methods behind them.
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