Is Security a Top Priority for You, and Your Business?

In our work at Farland Group, we talk to many different types of business leaders — CIOs, CTOs, EVPs, you name it. During our discussions, we ask them to prioritize topics and security is often top of mind. There are many reasons for the importance placed on security —the threat landscape is always changing, hackers are becoming more creative, vast amounts of data make it difficult to predict attacks, and the list goes on.

Most surprising was during a recent phone conference where a board member shared that attackers reinvest millions of dollars to find new ways of hacking. And, that hackers invest more money to up their cyber-attacking game than the amount of money that many businesses can invest to try and prevent the attacks. Until that call, I had never given thought to how business savvy the “bad guys” are.

Security touches all of us — not just big companies or organizations. From data breaches at stores, to cell phone glitches, to credit scoring companies being hacked, there’s a good chance a security threat has affected your life in one way or the other.It’s nice to know that cross-industry leaders are focused on security, because it trickles down to every day consumers. One of the powers of an advisory board is that executives have access to peers from various industries, allowing them to collaborate and think outside the box for ways to combat the bad guys. Where do you prioritize security on your organization’s 2019 list of items to address?


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