Lessons Learned from Pandemics, Customer Advisory Boards and Everyday Life

We have all been affected by the COVID-19 health crisis. It has upended everyday life in ways that were previously unimaginable, and each of us has our own complex situation. What I’ve learned over the last month may have zero to do with customer advisory boards, but it’s still important as we all try to continue moving forward.

Patience is a Virtue. You’ve heard the saying “practice what you preach” and this is especially important for me. I’ve told countless numbers of friends and relatives — and even reprimanded my own parents — that they need to be patient, that “like a storm, this too shall pass.” I too need to have more patience, which isn’t easy with two small children, and a dog that seems to want to go outside more than usual.

Change and Technology. Post-pandemic, everyday life will change, but what that change looks like is something that none of us know just yet. One thing is certain, and we’ve heard this from several clients in our work at Farland Group — technology will play a bigger role in our lives going forward. Whether teaching children at a distance, holding meetings for work or ordering groceries online, many of us were already technically versed, but there are a myriad of others who will need to catch up.

Prioritization is Key. I have previously written about the importance of organization and prioritization — and this is especially helpful given the current environment. Whether it’s figuring out what has to get done for your work, or at home, prioritization is key. Get the critical pieces complete and then move on from there.

Everyone Maxes Out. I’d like to think I am a superhero who can save the world, fix everything — I have an “I can do it all” mantra. Unfortunately for me, I am not a superhero (but who knows, maybe you are secretly Batman or Wonder Woman!). COVID has forced a mindset shift to acknowledge out loud that we can’t do it all. This also goes back to my above point on why prioritization is critical.

Be Kind and Positive. This is more of a personal reflection and advice for you to take or leave, but we all have our own unique and complex challenges; no two situations are exactly alike and you cannot know what others are struggling with. So, try to remain positive and be kind to those around you as we navigate these uncertain times together.


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