Advice & Insight
Reflections on customer advisory boards, customer relationships, and what it takes to strengthen them both.
Looking for a complete primer on advisory boards? Read The Expert Guide to Powerful Customer Advisory Boards.
Looking to Engage Executives? First, Understand What They Want
Executives are different from other audiences, and it helps to understand what executives are looking for when they engage with vendors and others. From our work interviewing hundreds of C-level executives every year, we have extracted the key elements that define the C-suite difference.
How to Choose Content Topics That Get C-Suite Attention [Article]
[AS SEEN IN CHIEF CONTENT OFFICER]: "We have found three core ingredients in C-suite-worthy content: client relevance, credibility, and innovative value … and the elusive content trifecta is securing a topic in the sweet spot where those three come together."
Why White Papers Still Matter: Their Role in Effective Content Marketing [Article]
[AS SEEN IN CHIEF CONTENT OFFICER] "Contrary to headlines in the marketing press, the white paper is not dead. While versions of the concept have proliferated and greatly diluted its potential power, if done right the white paper continues to serve as the basis of highly effective content marketing. The question is, what is the best way to leverage this old marketing workhorse given our plugged-in, multi-channel world?"
How Content Creators Can Provide the Actionable Relevance the C-Suite Needs [Article]
[AS SEEN IN CHIEF CONTENT OFFICER] "Armies of content developers are packaging research results, expert opinions, and success stories into papers, podcasts, videos, and events… all of them rich with hard-earned insights. But does all this content fuel business development efforts?"
How to Design a Compelling Demand Generation Strategy for the C-Suite [Article]
[AS SEEN IN CHIEF CONTENT OFFICER] "The elusive C-suite sale. Marketers spend large amounts of time and energy digging deep into their demand generation toolkits to access executives and try to get them to buy, only to find themselves facing silence, disinterest or, at best, a pass-off to their team. But for large-scale B2B sales in particular, it’s critical to create a content plan and engagement strategy to break through to this lucrative and powerful buyer..."
5 Event Content Strategies for Shaping Exceptional Executive Conferences, Forums [Article]
[AS SEEN IN CHIEF CONTENT OFFICER] "When it comes to content marketing, much is written about narrative-based content (i.e., the written word). Often overlooked is the role of in-person content — content shared through events — to engage with customers and prospects..."
How to Conduct Research to Engage Executives [Article]
[AS SEEN IN CHIEF CONTENT OFFICER] "Executives value data, and companies have responded by conducting surveys. But, this “research” often falls short because it is not at the level needed for this audience. If you are creating research for executive clients and prospects, there are several elements to consider..."
How to Reach the C-Suite with Content [Article]
[AS SEEN IN CHIEF CONTENT OFFICER] "Content marketers spend lots of time and money creating just the right content to engage their customers and prospects, but much of it goes unheeded by the most coveted of audiences — the C-suite. Executives are a challenging audience, but because of their clout and buying power, it is well worth cracking the code on executive content..."
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