Advice & Insight
Reflections on customer advisory boards, customer relationships, and what it takes to strengthen them both.
Looking for a complete primer on advisory boards? Read The Expert Guide to Powerful Customer Advisory Boards.
Benefits of a Customer Advisory Board
Have you ever thought about starting a customer advisory board? Where would you even begin? Who do you contact for help? And what is the benefit of establishing a board in the first place?
Extracting Value from your Customer Advisory Boards
When developing Board meeting sessions we ask our clients to be clear about where they want advice. We ask them to consider the questions they have for the Board; where they need advice; and how an external voice could help their thinking.
Is Security a Top Priority for You, and Your Business?
In our work at Farland Group, we talk to many different types of business leaders — CIOs, CTOs, EVPs, you name it. During our discussions, we ask them to prioritize topics and security is often top of mind. There are many reasons for the importance placed on security —the threat landscape is always changing, hackers are becoming more creative, vast amounts of data make it difficult to predict attacks, and the list goes on.
Checklist for a Successful Advisory Board Meeting
It’s only early February, but we’re full speed ahead into our spring meeting season here at Farland Group. As we plan for the coming months, below are a few items we work on sooner, rather than later, when pulling together an advisory board meeting.
What are You Working on at this Time of Year?
As 2018 comes to a close and we look forward to the new year, I find myself reflecting on some of our priority areas at Farland Group — both for the boards we work on as well as my own day-to-day work. While we concentrate on these areas throughout the year, we need to maintain the momentum we began on January 2. Below are a few things that are imperative as we soon start the New Year.
How to Extend Your Customer Advisory Board's Value
How do you extend the value of a customer advisory board beyond those who participate in the meeting room to the rest of your organization? Here are a few of the most common challenges we see, and some recommendations to tackle them.
Good or Bad Feedback, Customer Advisory Boards are Essential
During a recent council meeting, both our client, and their customers in attendance, acknowledged that it’s difficult to hear the negative advice, and much credit was given to our client for listening to the more challenging feedback. Both parties appreciated the openness of this type of forum, and agreed that if the candid advice turns into actions and outcomes, it’s a win for all participants.
Customer Advisory Boards: Invest in Your Customer
Deeply understanding the needs and requirements of your customers requires an investment. Investment of time to establish strong relationships and trust with your customers; that trust will lead to hearing their honest assessments of your business model, products, services and people.
Learn the strongest boards’ five characteristics—and the methods behind them.
Set up a new board for success
Diagnose and improve an under-performing board
Make a successful board even better