Customer Advisory Boards: Invest in Your Customer

Deeply understanding the needs and requirements of your customers requires an investment. 

Investment of time to establish strong relationships and trust with your customers; that trust will lead to hearing their honest assessments of your business model, products, services and people.

Investment in the tools, training and techniques to help your teams develop strong listening and empathy sills.

Investment in culture, to ensure that the culture is plumbed from top to bottom with the customer at the center.

Customers see through your intentions if this is a veneer.In a world where speed is the currency of choice, it is difficult to take the time to invest in the things that will put deep understanding and relationship building at the center of your corporate values. Yet a lack of empathy for the people you work with, service and support, will result in a failure to understand where your customers are stuck.

We know from our work with customer advisory boards and customer research that these investments yield results and revenue; and without that investment customer churn increases. Take time to evaluate how you are building a culture that puts listening to and learning from the customer at the center. It is an investment that will drive positive outcomes.


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