Advice & Insight
Reflections on customer advisory boards, customer relationships, and what it takes to strengthen them both.
Looking for a complete primer on advisory boards? Read The Expert Guide to Powerful Customer Advisory Boards.
Understanding Your Customers: Nothing Beats Talking to Them
Tony Zambito's "7 Elements of Customer Understanding the C-suite Must Master" addresses the critical need for CEOs and their C-suite teams to understanding customers. But there is an 8th element missing from his list: direct, face to face engagement with those customers.
Digital Transformation–Aligning the CMO and CIO Agendas [Article]
[AS SEEN IN CUSTOMER THINK] The CMO and CIO roles are more closely connected and aligned than ever on the power of digital transformation, representing an increasingly synergistic opportunity to drive change together.
Disrupt or be Disrupted
IBM recently released its 2015 C-suite study, which surveyed 5,000+ C-suite leaders from 21 industries and 70 countries. It emphasizes the same dominant theme we heard in the hundreds of c-level interviews we conducted this year—an obsession with disruption. We share some of the related issues—and specific quotes—from our own 2015 conversations that relate to and reinforce the findings in IBM’s newest study.
How Technology Makes Strange Bedfellows [Slideshow]
[AS QUOTED IN CIO | INSIGHTS] Thoughts on the origin and value of several unlikely B2B partnerships.
Achieving Long-Term Loyalty [Article]
[AS SEEN IN LOYALTY360] Customers are more marketing savvy than ever and will immediately question whether your brand is authentic and motivated by their best interest or the company’s self-preservation. What do authentic customer-centric companies do differently than those motivated by self-preservation?
Is the Voice of Your Customer Being Drowned Out by Big Data? [Article]
[AS SEEN IN CUSTOMER THINK] Will big data metrics be able to tell you what customers really want from your business?
How to Choose Content Topics That Get C-Suite Attention [Article]
[AS SEEN IN CHIEF CONTENT OFFICER]: "We have found three core ingredients in C-suite-worthy content: client relevance, credibility, and innovative value … and the elusive content trifecta is securing a topic in the sweet spot where those three come together."
Help or Hindrance? Including Prospects in Client Engagement Programs
Should you include prospects in executive engagement programs? The answer is a resounding “it depends.” Our recommendations differ depending on whether you're talking about an advisory boards, executive event, or market research.
Is Your Facilitation Killing your Customer Advisory Board?
If your advisory board is struggling—or you’re just getting started and want to avoid the most common pitfall—consider carefully:Is the person in the facilitator’s chair really ready to…facilitate? We share some of the common downfalls of board leaders and facilitators—and a checklist of characteristics that strong leaders share.
Engage the C-Suite through a Client Advisory Board [Article]
[AS SEEN IN CHIEF CONTENT OFFICER] "Connecting with C-level clients remains an ongoing challenge for marketers. More should consider creating a client advisory board, which, when done right, provides traction with your most coveted clients. Let’s start by clarifying the concept..."
Learn the strongest boards’ five characteristics—and the methods behind them.
Set up a new board for success
Diagnose and improve an under-performing board
Make a successful board even better